I'm soon to be graduating from college with a BA in political science...after about halfway through 4 years of school switching from the biology major. My question is....how hard would it be to go to graduate school for microbiology or the like and be successful...even possibly go to medical school afterwards? Is it too late...I often wonder whether I made a huge mistake?

There's no way you could get in, let alone succeed at, grad school in microbiology if all you've done is sophomore biology. Ditto med school since there's no way you're ready to take the MCAT.

However, all that means is that you have to go back and pick up those two years worth of courses that you would have taken had you remained a bio major. I say go for it. At least you'll know one way or the other. (But it's unlikely you'll get any financial support for a second bachelor's degree, if that matters.)

Tons of people change their mind, or decide that they want to go to medical school late in the college process. It definitely isn't too late. You don't NEED to go to graduate school for microbiology if your ultimate goal is medical school. You can graduate and get your BA, and either take the required science courses at a university, or enroll in a formal post-bac program. Post bac programs are numerous, and varied, catering to all sorts of people at differing stages (from people who have completed no requirements, to those who need to raise their GPA to be more competitive applicants). So think about how you want to go about it and consider your options! One thing I would advise against though, definitely don't go to graduate school unless you really want to. You won't fulfill your basic pre-med reqs there (intro to bio, physics, gen chem, orgo, and at some places calculus). Good luck!

If your objective is to go to medical school anything not directly related to getting you there is a waste of time, unless your intention is to ultimately get into medical research.

Grad courses in any science requires an undergrad degree in that science. If you lack any of the med school pre-reqs, you're an ideal candidate for a Post Bacc program. You can take only the courses you need and then apply to take the MCAT. Once you have your scores back you can apply to the schools that interest you.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Orignal From: Q&A: How difficult would it be to restart the medical school dream?