My father had a stroke a few months back, and at the time the doctors said they had got rid of the clotting. They released him, to have another stroke that same day he was released. The doctors said with their own words "We shouldn't have released him so soon." The hospital then told us that he had a blood clot disease and he would keep having strokes, and inevitably die. Soon after that he had 3 more strokes. Then my dad was transfered to a Dallas clinic specializing in stroke surgery. They asked why he hadn't come there first, because it was fixable, and could have been done after the first stroke. After surgery, it had fixed the clotting and stopped the strokes. We are going to file for a malpractice case. Is there enough here to win a case? I'm also very uneducated about this subject, so any links or information would be truly appreciated.

A lot of times it is the insurance companies to blame rather than the Doctors. In saying this, I mean that doctors somewhat have their hands tied, b/c once the pt reaches certain criteria, as determined by the insurance company, they are to be released (your dad may or may not ahve met this criteria), so before pursuing malpractice against doctors alone, have lawyer look in to insurance company as well to determine the real person(s) to blame.

i think you might have a case,if there saying in there own words they shouldnt have relased him,and he goes on to have a stroke the day he gets released thats not right.he obviously wasnt ready or well enough there like that with my mother in law she gets sent home and shes back in within a couple of days, its just because they need the beds for new patients coming in.i had brain surgery not that long ago i felt i wasnt ready to go home but they said i was,now im having panic attacks.good luck whatever you do and hope your dad is feeling a bit better.

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