when they bill for medically unnecesary testing?

Prescribing unnecessary tests is medical malpractice.

Sit Down, Shut Up
Docs wouldn't unnecessarily test if they're wasn't a possibility they might get sued for missing something.

El Supremo
When doctors can sue the government for fraud.

Watcher 465
I don't understand your question or the two replies so I'll just make a statement. Doctors are your usual pricks. Make any sense to you?

Curt J
You my friend, seem to want it both ways. Sue the medical community for malpractice if they don't discover something without using additional tests or, sue the medical community for not discovering something when they DO use additional tests!

Your logic is as flawed as that of your political masters. We can vote idiots like Obama & Company out of office, unfortunately, we are stuck with people who share your (perceived) viewpoint.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Orignal From: Tort nonsense: should doctors being sued for fraud by gov.?