i would like to know what would rid your system of cadida in 3 days that she claims her book reveals because i belive that knowlege should be shared not sold so if anyone has read the book i would love to know what the secrets are for the benifit for all that suffer from the malpractice of the medical community.
Kassie tried pulling that site notation up and it doesen't work check it and get back to me.

Tony I
I am not familiar with that book, though in general I find that books that promise quick cures and universal miracle cures are over-hyped to help the author more than the reader.

If you are talking about vaginal yeast, it can often be remedied in short order. Some suggestions are:

Take a superior brand of colloidal silver both internally by mouth, and vaginally by coating a tampon with a combination of colloidal silver, a few drops of tea tree oil and either aloe vera gel or KY jelly. Insert it into the vagina and leaving for 30-40 minutes. Likewise, douches with colloidal silver and a few drops of tea tree oil can rid yeast infections and keep them at bay.

Ease the maddening itch of a yeast infection with a suppository made with boric acid. Although its name sounds harsh, boric acid acts as a mild antiseptic and has antiviral and antifungal properties. Insert one suppository every night as long as needed. Do not exceed 14 days. If you don't find the suppositories in your natural food store, ask your pharmacist to make them.

Yogurt – Dip a tampon in a container of organic non-sweetened yogurt that contains active cultures, then insert it into the vagina and leave for 30-40 minutes.

If you are talking about systemic yeast infecton such as Candida, it too can be remedied but it will likely take longer than three days in most instances. The best remedy I know, along with a healthy mostly raw and mostly vegan diet is:

Superior colloidal silver (such as that made by CureZone sponsor Utopia Silver) will get rid of candida in short order. Be sure to take plenty (a couple of ounces or more per day) and it will only take a few days.

Bentonite clay will literally pull the candida off the intestinal walls

Coconut oil - is very effective against candida and is a wonderful addition to any healthy diet plan

After you get rid of candida, make a couple of tablespoons of coconut oil part of your daily diet/health plan, supplement with probiotics to make sure that beneficial flora flourishes in the gut, and occasionally take some colloidal silver (only a couple of teaspoons two or three times a week should be plenty) and the bentonite clay and your candida problems should be gone forever.

SkepDoc 3.0
There is no such thing as total body candida infection. OK...let me clarify that...such a thing is possible, if you have no immune system from overwhelming sepsis, or AIDS, but you would be critically ill and on life support in an ICU...I'll assume you aren't?

People do get yeast skin infections...especially the obese and diabetics. They are easily prevented and treated. It is a part of life...fungi and yeasts are opportunistic infections.

Vaginal yeast infections occur commonly in women whether or not they take antibiotics, which is what I assume you are alleging with your unnecessary "malpractice of the medical community" slag. It's true women who take antibiotics may have a slightly increased chance of yeast vaginitis, but it isn't an automatic, most women don't get them. Again...women who are obese or diabetic are at higher risk. Treatment of yeast vaginitis is also pretty simple (probiotics may help, yogurt...especially applied internally may help, OTC antifungals etc)

I don't really think you have a malpractice case though.

Most times these 'secrets' are basically a scam. You're right, if such a magic cure existed then it should be made public knowledge. Of course, the cure doesn't exist otherwise someone else would have published it on the net by now! Great way to get you to buy a book though hey? (Which of course is how the scam works!)

Don't go putting colloidal silver anywhere near your body; it's a dangerous, unnatural substance that is popular with scammers also.

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Orignal From: what is the secret to curing yeast infections in the book 3 days to yeast freedom by Theresa G. Zavala?