Why does the crimininal justice system violates women's reproductive rights? What are the cauese with medical neglect of women in prison?
The medical care is substandard to say the least when you consider that a woman is 50 times more likely give birth to a stillborn baby or miscarry while imprisoned.
Women are often shackled while giving birth!
The image of women prisoners nursing their newborns in prison nurseries is comforting but extremely rare. Chances are if you give birth in prison your baby will be taken from you almost immediately and you will be returned to prison. I think that's disturbing and extremely damaging to the woman and infant.
Also, women do not receive annual OBGYN check-ups when in prison, which is essential in detecting a whole array of women specific conditions and diseases.
Orignal From: Why does the criminal juistice system pose unique challenges to women and their families?
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