Why is there a shortage of doctors?

Posted by 70sfamily | 7:48:00 AM

Quote Canada artificially holds compensation below market clearing wages, thus resulting in what every econ 101 student will tell you, a shortage.Quote

What is compensation use for?

Quote The medical world tightly controls the amount of doctors that are turned out each year, that's why so many Americans go overseas to train. Quote

Why is that and who is in controlling this the goverment?

Quote In the US we have a medieval guild that restricts entry into the medical profession. We need to do away with that racket.Quote

Why is that ? Why restricts entry into med school?


Also some one was say competition and malpractice is why we are in a big mess..And the goverment should deal with it.
Most do control entry for high marks.Your place your life in the hands of the doctor.But I don't know if there is a conspiracy to do this to make shotage of doctords.To rank their wages up.

We have one less since the pro-lifers killed him.

In Canada, with their national health system, the government sets the pay that doctors receive. When that pay is not high enough to attract empolyees there will be a shortage, just as there would be in any other industry. The same thing will happen in the US under a national health plan.
There is not a shortage of doctors in the US. There may be a shortage of doctors in certain places and specialties because doctors have the freedom to practice where and what specialty they wish. They would lose that freedom under a national health plan.
The "medical world" does not control the number of doctors that are trained. It would be against the anti-trust laws for them to even try. There are more foreign trained doctors coming into the US than there are US citizens going overseas.

Essentially the supply of Doctors is artificially limited in the United States of America.

The number of Doctors is artificially limited to keep Doctors wages high.

The supply of Doctors in the United States of America is limited by the number of places in Medical Schools for Doctors to be trained.

Every year far more qualified students are rejected by Medical Schools than are accepted.

You could easily have ten times as many Doctors Graduated each year if Medical Schools did not severely limit the supply of Doctors.

This would be with no reduction in the quality of students that are accepted to Medical School.

Often due to Political considerations in the United States of America, far less qualified students are accepted to meet affirmative action requirements.

Much better qualified students are rejected and forced to find another profession other than medicine even though they are far better qualified than the affirmative action students that are accepted.

If you had approximately ten times as many openings for Medical Students as you do today, you would not have the anomaly of highly qualified students being rejected and forced to find another profession, while less qualified affirmative action students are accepted and permitted to become doctors.

With far more Doctors you would have much better quality Medical Care at much lower prices bacause of competition.

If you want to get the cost of Medicine down, I recommend that you encourage your Politicians to dramatically increase the number of Doctors Trained each year in the United States of America.

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