NASHVILLE, Tenn. - The Mexican government has hired a lawyer to monitor a child-custody battle in Nashville involving a severely brain-damaged Hispanic girl.

The child, 4-year-old Alessandra Villalobos, is also at the center of a medical malpractice lawsuit that could provide millions of dollars for her care.

The girl's mother, Ingrid Diaz, is a Mexican national trying to regain custody of her daughter, who is an American citizen because she was born in Nashville.

Attorney Elliott Ozment says the Mexican consul in Atlanta has asked him to investigate and make sure Diaz is being "adequately represented" in her legal battles.

Diaz is an illegal immigrant, but she has been allowed to remain in the U.S. while the cases are under way.

NO! the answer to your question is in your little article. You should really re-read it! it's not that long.....really!

"Attorney Elliott Ozment says the Mexican consul in Atlanta has asked him to investigate and make sure Diaz is being "adequately represented" in her legal battles."

Mo`e Green. $ $ $ $ $
Yes, Tony-you`re right, the Mexican consul is in Atlanta, but he is STILL a part of Mexico-being a Mexican consul/citizen, so Jill`s article/headline is perfectly correct.....As for money part?-of course consul got involved because he could smell all that money, Mexicans are opportunists & Freebies, from the lowest educated illegals to highly educated consuls. Many American politicians are opportunists as well, but not so much as Mexicans, because half their politicos and army generals are on drug cartel`s payroll.

Of course it is about the money. There is millions involved. They want to make sure one of their own gets a slice of the pie,or maybe the whole thing. If mommy hits the jackpot,maybe she will send some of that money back home.

The job of ANY consulate is to look after the welfare of its citizens in the foreign country where accredited. In this case the child is also a Mexican citizen though the consul can't represent her as she's also an American citizen.

can't block:
Mexican nationality at birth
... A person born abroad to a Mexican born father or a Mexican born mother.
... A person born abroad to a naturalized Mexican father or a naturalized Mexican mother.

So the child of a Mexican citizen is a Mexican citizen, is that a hard concept? Born in the US so she's an American citizen. In fact, that's pretty much the same as US law, the child of a US citizen born in Mexico is a US citizen and a Mexican citizen. Neat, huh?

William O: better brush up on your Mexican nationality law, "Dual citizenship has been permitted in Mexico without restrictions since 1998. No person can lose their Mexican nationality because of acquisition of a foreign nationality."

As to why she does not have custody, I dunno and neither do any of you. I could guess here American coparent has money to hire lawyers and showed that mom is not legal and that she doesn't have legal employment and the child is ill and needs medical care mom can't pay maybe the judge made the decision that way.

Cant block comrade TonyGreasy
In this case the child is also a Mexican citizen How can this child be a Mexican citizen the mother does not even have custody of her daughter ? I do not see from this story the child has dual citizenship.I would like to know why the mother lost custody in the first place ?Mexico has money for lawyers here but back in Mexico the Gov cannot afford to feed its own people

William O
It's the money! If Mexico was concerned about it's citizens they would be helping the ones in Mexico!
Phil: The child is NOT a Mexican citizen! Mexico doesn't allow dual citizenship. The child is a US citizen!
If there wasn't a malpractice suit worth millions the Mexican government wouldn't touch this with a 10 foot pole!

wing man
Poor baby.It seems to me that the mother only step back in AFTER she found out the could be money involved.I hope the best for this poor little girl.Its sad how the loving mother that didn't even have custody of this child all of the sudden needs to have a lawyer.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Orignal From: How come Mexico is helping out here is it because of the $$$ The Mexican government has hired a lawyer?