a surgeon is looking at my medical records to see if there is malpractice done or not. How long does it usually take for them to have the records and know? I am running on a year now that the attorney has had my case.
hey im me if u need more info. ours took way over 6 months to see if we had a case for a mal-pracitce suit. so it will take a while
It should be about a month, maybe two at the most. Because you are considering a law suit, prudence should be a concern, because of time limitations. Your lawyer should tell you how long before you have to file the suit. You can always file without the medical, but that is of course going to cost you more.
sharon w
Sometimes the attorney will call in a MD and a specialist in a particular branch of medicine and surgery who's also a lawyer,to review your case for malpractice etc.it can take a long time.. My son waited for 3 years,and then they took 8 months to settle. It was awful.. Take care. SW RNP
Orignal From: How long does it take for a Dr. to look over med recrods to see if you have a case?
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