My son have an allergic reaction on 1out of 4 occasions over a 4 month period. My job basically told me to choose my job over my child's well-being. They are basically thinking that my child should be neglect and I go to work instead. Keep in mind there is only one mode of transportation in my house. So both my wife and I have to take off due to the high gas prices.

How long have you been at this job? If you have been there at least a year and have worked at least 1250 hours during the course of that year, they MUST provide you with approved FMLA leave.

If not, an employer is not required by law to retain your employment, despite medical problems with your child. They must accomodate your personal disabilities, so long as it does not provide a hardship on the company.

I would go to your HR representative and let them know the situation completely. If you have good performance and have not had issues with your attendance other than this, then you might need to request some kind of special accomodation or at least let them know the situation more fully so they understand.

sorry but unless you are coverd by FMLA and even then it may not be granted they can do it, it may not be fair but not illegal, they do not care about your personal life and your problems. Find another position as soon as you can

Yes, you are only covered for your medical emergencies, and most companies (and the law) does not look at a child's illness as yours

Unfortunately, human angle is missing in employers , but we are helpless.It is legal for employers to give you warnings for excused medical absences .

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