Around 2:30 PM, a man has a stroke from a blood clot, the EMTs take over 2 hours to get him to a hospital about 25 miles away. He is left lying in the hallway in the ER and is not seen by a doctor until around 8 AM the following morning, after he had a second stroke in the night. He was taking warfarin already, and it is unknown if any clot dissolving meds were administered. Certainly there were none given by IV . A couple of days later he is taken off warfarin for 4 days so that a pacemaker can be implanted. For six days of a nine day hospital stay, he is given no anti coagulation medications. He complained of constipation and difficulty urinating while in the hospital. A pacemaker was implanted and he was discharged the next day with no limitations on the discharge papers. He was only given a followup appointment for the following week, however, he developed severe abdominal pain and was rushed to the hospital again 6 days later where he was diagnosed with an intestinal blockage, sepsis and kidney failure. Also a blood clot was found in his lung. He was taken for surgery where it was discovered that his entire small intestine was dead due to a blood clot blocking the artery supplying his intestine. He then died an agonizing death over the next 24 hours that his family had to stand by and helplessly watch. Any thoughts?

Oh this is cleary negligence on the hospitals part. The EMT's...not so sure if you can hold them responsible for anything. You need a good attorney who specializes in wrongful death and negligence.

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