Ok im a 49yr old female and fell in 10/07 roughly around that period i was told that i needed arthoscopic surgery had that done. Had a Total Knee replacement in 7/08 went to rehab for two weeks still couldnt get knee straight and was in pain. Had Knee manipulation done as well as clear scar tissue 9/08 and just had another arthoscopic to clear scar tissue again. Now i am in extreme pain and kept going back to the doctors who performed the surgery there is hole in my leg from the last surgery and asked the doctor why and he said portal that is used for the arthoscopy healed over the portal. It is still bleeding in that area, 3 weeks after the last arthoscopic surgery. Kept going back to the doctors that did the first 4 surgerys and they said it looked better that i need to be aggressive with my Physical Therapy. In the past few day i have been in pain more than ever. Went to a new doctor for a second opinion and he said it is probably infected and there is a chance it might need to be amputated now i feel cheated and wondering is this i malpractice suit and if so how much?
I care thats why i am asking and am seeking an opinion of someone in this field b4 i waste time at a lawyer
Andrew P
who cares
betty boop
Get a lawyer they will be able to determine if it is
Sorry about your situation but you really need to take all documentation to a lawyer and get professional assistance.
Thierry Gautier Hardin
that is a highly technical question that only a medical expert and an attorney who specializes in medical malpractice can answer.
Raymond M
Can i know where are you from and were you assigned to the doctor in particular during your admission to A & E during the mishap. Was the ops suggested during your outpatient treatment? Are you covered by any accidental personal insurance then?
girl afraid
No, I don't think you have grounds for a malpractice suit, as the doctors haven't done anything wrong. Not everyone heals well after surgery, it happens.
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