Medical Massage - more square km fun
Medical Massage is very important for maintaining body and soul and touch is an important basis in the existence of man. Rene Spitz wrote in his article Huasplizm in 1945 infants who were hospitalized or were left in hospitals or were mentally retarded or dead is often not a result of illness but due to lack of human touch, human warmth, caress, hug .
Phenomenon is called Huaspetelizm means loving maternal figure saved strokes, touching the deprivation caused effects in children's mental deterioration and physical development until death.
Touch is a basic component in maintaining the human physical and mental health. Medical Massage greatly contributes to maintaining body maintenance. Medical benefits of massage in his abilities stem from situations relieve stress, release emotional blockages and keeping a balance between body and soul. There is a direct link between stress diseases such as persistent opened: digestive problems, high blood pressure, migraines, asthma.
One of the goals of medical massage is to prevent future pain and disease and if not we will listen to its toll of the body they do not be late in coming.
Sometimes we rarely touch the importance of the proper functioning of our bodies. 1945 article "Huasplizm, Rene Spitz described the impact of the lack of human contact and closeness among infants who were hospitalized or were left in hospitals. These babies were the characteristics of mental retardation and often died regardless of their illnesses, but due to lack of human touch and warmth. Phenomenon called "Huaspetelizm" caused by deprivation in the form of maternal love, touching and hugging and causes poor cognitive development, physical development followed and sometimes death.
Medical massage ads along with touches of stress situations, stress at work, intimacy, attention, release emotional blockages, balancing body and soul aim is to prevent future pain and disease which, if not we will listen to your body is not going to be late to arrive.
There is a direct link between stress diseases such as persistent opened: digestive problems, high blood pressure, migraines, asthma.
When a child falls his mother stroking his sore knee. When you fall Onahbelym our first response is rubbing the painful area.
When someone close to our hearts we feel distress and embrace them all these are forms of physical and mental Aryapoibrama.
All of these are medical massage from masseuse ease the movements aimed at pain, relax muscles, stimulate blood circulation, or help the body in different ways.
In addition, muscle relaxation massage has also strained the re-education aspect as it helps us feel the difference between a tense muscle Occupational better pay attention to our bodies.
Muscle tension due to stress is completely normal. It is important to release these muscles before reaching a state of pain.
Pain is a direct effect of neglect and we can justify neglect in many ways neglected my diet that my workplace health and not restaurants, I neglected the sports activities that I come late from work and I'm tired, in many ways and possibilities neglect neglect health Gyberutye Gentlemen brings disease, neglect results in the process of circle of pain
Circle of pain is in three stages:
1. Haynferomcia undergoing brain
2. Contracting muscles, skeleton, blood vessels, heart
3. The body undergoes difficulties leading to pain, fatigue, insomnia, all this will cause the disease.
Illness is a violation of Ahhumaustzias balance to strengthen the natural healing ability is necessary to keep the process of Ahhumaustzias occurs in our bodies, whether felt or not maintaining a regular blood pressure and sugar levels balanced Ahhumaustzias process must be kept allowing the body to adapt to changes occurring in it.
Many patients do not understand the importance of medical massage is that Israeli society and common sense show more than a pampering massage promoting life processes eg massage, relaxing massage, massage releases, an amazing massage.
Neachbdye Let me enlighten your attention on the goal of medical massage focuses on improving the life processes input, drainage, and movement.
Feed directly responsible for food, fluids, oxygen and sleep.
Drainage is responsible for releasing the digestive system and release feelings verbally
Traffic improving the performance of blood vessels, lymph, muscles, Frstlttika (press release)
When life processes are not created excess body disharmony in one place and second place.
Medical Massage makes balancing body and soul, blood and lymph flow, thereby affecting the brain's mental activity and sensory function improved memory, concentration, confidence, self esteem and raising repressed emotions, strengthen the immune system (very important to protect against winter illnesses, rapid recovery from various illnesses) Strengthening nervous system and maintaining normal blood pressure, reducing congestion and swelling of fluid retention, preventing muscle and joint aches, relieves muscle pain, relieves muscle pain, affects the autonomic system - sympathetic nervous, Medical massage breaks the pain cycle and thus contributes to white blood cells.
Medical Massage promotes healing process of diseases Rene Gitepuc also notes in his book which was published in 1928 "aromatic therapy" patients who use essential oils more quickly recover from disease than those who did not use essential oils.
The oils affect us through the nervous system and respiratory tract, they penetrate into blood and lymph tissues of the body most of the fat body contain Wettimnim arrive within 20 minutes after use and leave the body within 3-4 hours vegetable oil (almond oil) is excreted through the urinary system.
Akonteriindakcia Massager
Those situations in which massage therapists not fevers, viral or inflammatory disease acute phase, inflammatory or swollen areas, bruises and sprains, ulcers, heart disease, 3 months after surgery, cancer (possible - each case will examine the body), while cycle, dialysis, diabetes , Abtermstr's first pregnancy.
* There are other situations in accordance with the consideration of anamnesis *
One important point to mark the important aspects is to be treated therapist you feel comfortable with him, trust him professionally and this will turn your body a sense of security because the hands I have no doubt your health important to you.
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