I slipped and fell on a lemon wedge on the floor of the lobby of a local casino. My knee twisted and mangled behind me and it hurt sooooo bad! I went to the ER and while there was nothing broken he suspects that I've torn my acl. I'm making an appt. with an ortho this week. The casino ENT filled out a lot of paperwork and took statements and said they had it all on camera...will a rep from the casino call me or should I call them after I see the ortho and have a diagnosis? I don't want to sit around and wait, but I don't want to look really anxious for a settlement either. Who usually makes the first move? I'd like to settle without a lawyer as I don't want to drag it out for years.
The casino will have insurance to cover the injuries, it may be self insurance underwritten by an insurance company but they will have insurance, before going to the doctor get the name of their insurance carrier and file all claims under their insurance, for a settlement you will have to show a loss, wages, permanent disability related to the injury, or some other monetary loss, for a claim you would be better off to expend a little time and hire a lawyer.~
Orignal From: Personal Injury Claim Question...?
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