I believe physician assisted suicide is wrong. It should not be allowed no matter the situation. I believe it is wrong because I think the patient is incapable of making decisions, it violates medical ethics, and most importantly it is murder. The main reason for the patient wanting to allow the doctors to put them to rest is because of the unbearable pain. I feel that death is not the solution to the pain and suffering. Humans should not be in control of when it is time to die, it is not our decision. We are not the creator of our lives therefore it is not up to us to decide.

I believe physician-assisted suicide is wrong. It should not be allowed no matter the situation. I believe it is wrong because I think the patient is incapable of making decisions, it violates medical ethics, and most importantly, it is murder. The main reason for the patient wanting to allow the doctors to put them to rest is because of the unbearable pain. I feel that death is not the solution to the pain and suffering. Humans should not be in control of when it is time to die; it is not our decision. We are not the creator of our lives; therefore it is not up to us to decide.

We are not the creator of our lives, therefore it is not up to us to decide.

Just a comma in the last sentence
it sounds really good... i remember in my class last year we had a debate about this subject... i totally agree with what you are saying!!

I'm trying to keep the general flow of your argument and your "voice," but this may be easier to follow:

I believe physician assisted suicide is wrong and should not be allowed no matter the situation.
People who are stressed due to illness are incapable of making decisions, it violates medical ethics, and most importantly it is murder.
I feel that death is not the solution to the pain and suffering.
Humans should not be in control of when it is time to die, it is not our decision.
We cannot ethically destroy what we had no part in creating.

Now you have to come up with supporting evidence for each claim.
Good luck!!

There a few actual errors but I think that saying "I think" and "I believe" makes this argument lose it's potential, it takes away from the paragraph. Here is what I suggest:

Physician assisted suicide is wrong. It should not be allowed not matter what the situation. The patient is clearly incapable of making decisions, it violates medical ethics, and most importantly it is murder! Most patients feel unbearable pain and feel the only way to end their suffering is to be put to rest. Humans should not be in control of when it is time to die, it is not our decision. We are not the creator of our lives - it is not up to us to decide.

Corrections in parentheses

I believe (physician-assisted) suicide is wrong. It should not be allowed(,) no matter the situation. I believe it is wrong because I think the patient is incapable of making decisions, it violates medical ethics, and(,) most importantly(,) it is murder. The main reason for the (patient's) wanting to allow the doctors to put them to rest is ( ) the unbearable pain. I feel that death is not the solution to the pain and suffering. Humans should not be in control of when it is time to die(;) it is not our decision. We are not the creator of our lives therefore it is not up to us to decide.

What do you think? Answer below!

Orignal From: Q&A: Are there any grammar mistakes/errors in this short paragraph?