Ok, I went to a doc in the box (walk-in clinic) because I had a skin tag that had increased in size and got really dark. Granted, it was in my axillia (arm pit) area and I cut it almost every time I shave, but it was itchy and I thought I mention it casually and see if I needed a referal to a derm. Instead he took one look at it and then said he was going to lop it off and send it out to a pathologist to make sure it wasn't skin cancer. The mistake I am worried about is that after doing some research on skin cancer I read that if it's suspected then under NO MEANS should the excision site be cauterized, but guess what? Mine was. So does this mean he's pretty damn sure that it isn't skin cancer and was maybe trying to get a little extra $ $ from my insurance provider, or did he make a mistake that could cost me dearly if it is in fact skin cancer?
Hard to say, depends on what they find. Typically, they have to get a biopsy, to make a determination. If it's NOT Cancer, then you are in the clear, and if it is, you definitely have alot on your plate. For your sake, I hope it's not Cancer. My mother had Cancer 3 times and she's fine, though, so, let the results tell the tale.
Jim J
I was hoping for someone with more knowledge to address the question. But how can a biopsy be accomplished if they do not cut a sample?. I have melanoma and have had several moles cut out and tested.
A couple of years ago, I had one burnt of the corner of my eye and it was OK, don't worry so much, not every lump or bump is cancer
Orignal From: SERIOUS medical mistake?!?!?
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