to matter. This was said by someone trying to get rid of me and who was grossly and sadly misinformed, never bothered to clarify anything.
I maintain: something does not need to bother anyone to be illegal. If someone attempt to murder someone and they do not know it, it is still attempted murder. If you are shot at, and do not know it, it is still attempted murder.
A person does not need to be sane and rational to have rights. If someone is ALLEGEDLY mentally ill and someone tries to murder them, it is still attempted murder, and the cover up is still aiding and abetting.
Such as refusing to treat someone for hemorrhage to cover up the damage done, and laundering money to others through this possibly deliberate attempted murder and malpractice. thatis merely one example..
Attempting to frame someone for arson, even if they are allegedly "anything"is till a crime. Calling someone gay to try to get them raped is a crime, regardless. if the mentally ill
disabled had no rights you could use them for target practice, stake them in the yard like dogs, starve them to death.
It is allegedly untrue they have no rights if they are allegedly mentally ill.
You do not need to be proved to be sane and rational to have rights. Nor does something need to bother you. If you have been deliberately given VD and do not know it, it is possibly attempted murder, and no less than assault of some major degree. Repeating the offence to an extremely greater degree, or trying to, is worse. 'character assassination attempts , harassment with reckless disregard for someone's mental and physical health and personal safety which endangers someone's life, repeatedly causes them to almost be killed, causes them to not get medical treatment to be run out of house and home, lose everything,,,,is what?
Isn['t it at least illegal"? keeping someone in poverty so they cannot work, not get competent legal , real, legal assistance, pretending to be an attorney is illegal in alll fifty states as is pretending to be a medical doctor or a nurse. regardless of who it is. Keeping someone poor so they can not get legal assistance or medical care if they are mentally ill , allegedly, is a major crime, attempted murder isn't it"
Denying someone life and liberty and pursuit of happiness because you want money off them, afraid you will talk about them is illegal. Stalking them. Invading your relationship with your children and trying to alienate them from you , regardless, while sending other children for you to care for who cannot get anyone else, so they cna work, while you are having to spend everything on those kids....and hoping something bad will happen....what is that, conspiring to cause child endangerment. I am not guilty. They could have taken them else where at any time.
Sabotaging someone's work as a licensed professional, to harass them, harassing them, psychologically terrorizing them on the job, when others are deliberatley lollygagging on the job, gooofing off not taking hteir work seriously, then accusing you of taking it too seriously. What is that.
That sounds like someone who needs a competent psychiatric advocate to speak on the persons behalf.
I have done that in a lay capacity for those whom are temporarily broken but it has always been in tandem w/ a psychiatric team.
Eventually the person learns how to speak up for themselves in a way that "normal" society can hear.
I think your problems exceed this category!! After you ask your question let Yahoo pick which section it belongs in and you may get better help!! Just trying to be helpful!!!!!!!
Tired Old Man
If i was a big time lawyer i could help with an answer,but it is out of range for most of us seniors.
I will assume you just needed to "sound off". Sounds like a bad few days at work for you. If this made you feel better I'm glad, but surely you realize there are few of us who can actually help you out with this question.
Karen P
You need to go to a mental health clinic.
Considering the tone of your rants today, I think you would benefit greatly with visits to a shrink immediately...we do not need another Ft. Hood going on! Please seek help now, you need it!
I disagree. I think insane folks are bothered by things. We may consider what bothers them trivial but they have feelings too.
Spike ( the wonder dog )
Your question brings another questions to mind.
Are you paranoid if everyone really is trying to get you?
Sorry I don't get the point of your rant. Is there a question? Did you just feel the need to get this off your chest?
Bill W
Take your medication and call your therapist.
Orignal From: Tell me what you think of this. Something must bother a person who is sane and rational?
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