I am a US Citizen, Ex-Marine now civilian. I have had many near death experiences due to malpractice in hospitals caused by biased and opinionated doctors. I have wanted to fight this, not only for myself, but to help America's healthcare system as a whole. My latest hospital visit with a near death experience ; I had a heat stroke, hyponatremia, dehydration, and malnutrition. Their first, and most holding diagnosis even on secondary visits: drug addict/overdose. Their treatment?: Pumped full of Phenergan and saline solution. Great way to treat what was wrong with me, huh? Every visit from my initial one left me with more information about what happened on my first visit. I was improperly treated throughout the ordeal, and treated like a drug addict from my first visit and onward. The hospital contacted my low-income doctors office, and god-knows what they told them, but I began to receive the same beady eyed looks and disbelief from the doctors as they sent me home untreated.NeedHELP
I would suggest two courses of action -- 1. complain to the licensing board and 2. file a lawsuit for malpractice.
Orignal From: Tips: How do you bring justice to biased and opinionated doctors that bring malpractice to the hospital?
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