Every time those drug commercial comes on or those lawsuit commercials regarding medical drugs, my husband gets so excited and instantly things that is what he has wrong with him?

Do I just disconnect the tv or have him committed finally?

$ andman
distract him with sex...nothing makes you feel beter than seratonin and dopamine...

haha. he's funny.

he's probably just funny.
or a really big idiot and you need a divorce.

Ashley D

take him to the doctor to prove that there isnt anything wrong with him and maybe they can give you a few tips on how to calm him down

Dope slap him then disconnect the T.V. and throw it into a burning trash heap. Or have him call one of the numbers they give on the commercial and have him proved wrong. Husbands are like kids if you humor them they leave you alone.

*Nicknames [are so over-rated]*
Hypochondriac much?

miss answer thing
He's a hypochondriac. The commercials are targetting people like him. Pathetic, isn't it. Ignore him, and let him call them as much as he wants. He will soon realize he is making a fool of himself.

Kristi J
well he is what we call a hypercondriac. A person with hypochondria is preoccupied with physical health and body. The diagnosis is used when a person during at least 6 months believes, fears or is convinced that he has a serious disease despite medical reassurance. This fear of disease or preoccupation with symptoms is unpleasant, interferes with the patient's daily life in a negative way and leads to medical examinations and/or treatment. The patient can only temporarily accept assurance that there is no physical explanation to his symptoms....

Yes he needs Viagra

well let him take the pills, then he'll have to deal with his own consequences later.

smellyfoot ™
So he's got depression, restless leg syndrome, pms cramps, herpes, over active bladder, needs gastric bypass, erectile dysfunction, dry eye AND high cholesterol? Damn....I hope ya'll have health insurance!

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Orignal From: Tips: How do you deal with a husband who believes every medical drug advertisement pertains to him?