I was injured by someone elses negligence. Is their insurance company entitled to ALL of my medical records, or only the ones pertaining to my back injury? I dont think its thier business how much I weigh, my blood pressure,my allergies, my cholestorol, my GYN history, or unrelated medical problems I had years ago that are not related to this injury.
no mental health records, but my GYN history? I will also add that my atty is a friend of my family, I would prefer he not see my GYN records
Jack P
Pretty much your entire medical history is fair game. They then decide after getting it what's relevant or not.
Probably the only thing your attorney will be able to keep out are mental health records (if any).
Barry auh2o
They will want EVERYTHING! Your entire medfical history, anything which might help their case., By the way, are you using this attorney because he is a good attorney, or because he is a friend of the family.
Orignal From: Tips: If I file a lawsuit for a back injury, do they need ALL of my medical records?
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