My mother went to her cardiologist on August 16th and September 10th for routine visits. She's always been very health conscious, and particular about her diet. He told her that her heart was strong, and that all she needed to worry about was that she had slightly high blood pressure. He put her on a very low dosage medication. She already had a good diet, but she improved it more, and increased her workouts. He told her she could be off the medication the beginning of October.
My mother passed away on September 24th. It is believed she had a heartattack. The preliminary autopsy report says atherosclerosis (the LONG TERM build up of plaque in the arteries surrounding the heart) Her death has come as a complete and utter shock to our entire family, especially me.
Am I right in wanting answers from the cardiologist ? I'm a nursing major in college, and I think that makes me even more curious to know what happened and how this couldn't have been stopped.

NO disrespectful comments please.

Obviously, the doctor could tell if she had this disease or not. So I'm thinking he either didn't take time on your mother, or he just didn't tell you about it. You could definitely sue him on this. With all the evidence, this would be a good case.

Good luck & hope I helped you! :)

donetta denniston
A combination of crossfit and the paleo diet will give you fast results.

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Orignal From: Tips: Possible Malpractice or Negligence .. ?