I was recently misdiagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy. I ended up in the hospital with 2 liters of blood in my abdominal cavity, and was literally two steps away from heaven. I made 2 trips to the ER and the first time they told me I was "pregnant", and my abnormal bleeding was "probably just a little bit of implantation bleeding". They were going to order a sonogram for me but I didn't want to wait, so they just let me go, HOWEVER, they did not make me sign an "AMA" waiver, like they had done before, when I left the ER for something smaller.
The second time I returned, I had a Physicians Assistant do a bedside sonogram on me, and concluded that he couldn't conclude anything, other than there was indeed a pregnancy minus a heartbeat. - OK. Very well... He then proceeded to "diagnose" me officially with an "incontinent bladder". So fast forward to three days later, I'm passing out four times, for 30 second bouts and the paramedics are called. We go to the hospital and turns out my chart was "incomplete" and the on call OB/GYN had empty spaces that he pretty much needed to fill out on his own knowledge. Apparently the P.A. was supposed to take "pictures" and put them in my file. However, there were none. This is just a brief overview of what happened but from what it sounds like, does it sound like I may have a Viable case against the hospital ?
Thanks so much in advance!
I think my entrance line may be a little misleading. I was not misdiagnosed WITH an ectopic. I was misdiagnosed with an incontinent bladder, and it was an ectopic pregnancy.
Upon getting to the hospital, after they stabilized me, I ended up having to have my left fallopian tube removed, as my "pregnancy" had ruptured through, and I had gone into shock.
Sorry for your experience.
No one here can (or should) give you legal advice. Consult an attorney.
I'm sorry for what you've been through. Only an attorney with all the details can provide you with that information. Most attorneys are willing to give a free consultation to determine whether you have a case. If you haven't done so already, write absolutely everything down while events are fresh in your mind. Include dates, times, names, and don't leave anything out, even if you think it is irrelevant.
Orignal From: Tips: Trying to find out if I have a possible case for Medical Malpractice.?
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