Renter gets high utilty bill partly due to landlord failing to service property. Utility is cut off without prior notice.
1. Is landlord responsible for paying a share of the utility because of their negligence?
2. What recourse if any does renter have - in this case, with Section 8 authorities?
3. Are circumstances a factor? Renter is on maternity leave and was on medical leave prior to that
Joanne A. W
Yes, the landlord is responsible, but I do not know who you should call in your city/state.
You might start with the "City Secretary" at City Hall. Tell them you need to know who to report this to. If he/she cannot help, call your City's Inspection Department and tell them you need to know who to call.
How about Social Services?
Pamela J
Call Legal Aid. They can provide a pro bono (free) attorney.
jeff a
if you are curent on rent you can always call up the local new reporter ;) or pay the bill yourself and deduct it from rent lastly
call your case worker. She will know your lease and the lease the landlord has with the state. Then go from there.
Orignal From: Tips: Water shut off in Section 8 house due to landlord's negligence - help from where?
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