Im in my 2nd year in college and im majoring in bio. I was thinking i made a mistake my going in a four year college and went into bio as a major. I should have gone straight for either medical sonography or physician assistant...What do you guys think is it possible for me to just transfer into a college that offers one of those major/careers?

Any other suggestions are most welcome.
one of the reasons why im considering this is b/c i noticed that colleges require students to take so many "required courses" which i dont even need as Preequisites for sonography or physican assistant..i just dont want to waste time and money.

Christina J
Yes, transfer colleges and go for the physician assistant. Awesome career with great benefits. You will be doing more as a physician assistant than a diagnostic medical sonographer! Just my opinion, but my husband and I are both in the medical field and physcian assistant is a great path to go down!

Definately be a physician assistant! That's what i want to be when i grow up. Plus the pay is really of my parent's friend is a physician assistant and his living a great life!

Joe Doc
Not easy to answer.

Yes, you can transfer: most "PA" stuff comes after the basics.
I know about sonography but nil about the career.

Hey, the two are very different, Amigo.

PA's (and Nurse Practioniers) well have to get "closer" on many levels to people. Do not even rule out Nursing school: RN. then become a Nurse Practionier, who knows?

Medical Sonography or Physician Assistant is a decision: I see being a PA or NP as well a different road, not as day-to-day technical but everyday getting closer to people, be assured a good Sonographer gets close enough but does not have to deal with the "other issues" as much.

PA and such can work well everywhere, the other hospitals and larger facilites.

How do you view yourself? PA school will make you "grow up" (no negative intended as RN school will do as well) fast! On a emotional level, the other career is well "technical" great iof you are a "people" person but we most want technical skill, then the other assets.

In both careers you always have a physician "watching" over an "out" for you. A PA or NP is a partner in clinical medicine: well better stated "family". That is not saying better.

If you can get some good advise here: great. PA and such are not often "9-5" jobs, issues with family, PA's seldom meet a lot of other people in the sane age groups as they are working in a setting where they have little daily contact with other medical professionals except the office staff and physicians.

Do you like movies, films about doctors "without borders" or more technical stuff?

I devoted my life to such; many technical folks have the capacity to do such but to me a PA is as with a NP to ask "more".

If you think Sonography is "hands on" remember being a PS/NP is often "hands in"

No joke.

I have met very few PA/NP's who would not talk to you if you just picked up the phone book, called and asked, as with the hospital based folks.

Hey, this is what I am doing.

I just realized my Yahoo ID is "joe Doc"

Well, you have to decide, but investigate

I believe PA's have to have a Bachelor's before they enter their specialized program... If you are sick of school and don't want to put any more time into it, the change to the sonographer school. If you think you would prefer greater responsibility and potentially greater human interaction and personal reward, then stay in school and become a PA.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Orignal From: What is a better career: Diagnostic Medical Sonography or Physician Assistant?