I want to file a malpractice lawsuit?

Posted by 70sfamily | 2:29:00 AM

my husband ended up in the hospital because his family doctor was superficial in treating him, now he had surgery , he is scheduled for another one in January and it breaks my heart seing him like this.

The China Doll
If you want to, you better file that soon because you're only allowed a certain amount of time before it will be tossed out in court.

any lawyer, they don't get paid till you win

It requires much effort and documentation to prove malpractice. You better have lots of time and energy, as well as something other than "he was superficial in treating him"
as grounds for your claim.

There are a lot of lawyers that will go to bat for you. Make sure they do not get paid unless you win.

That'll be a tough one, but by your limited info, the doctor was negligent. I know exactly how that feels. I would at least try, just out of spite.

Demon Doll
People like you are the reason that doctors' malpractice insurance premiums are so high and in turn doctors have to raise their rates. Shame on you.

Don't get one from the TV. Go to the Attorneys Lists in your area and find one who specializes in Malpractice. You can type in Attorney in your area in your computer and see what comes up. G_d BLESS YOU AND YOUR HUSBAND and GOOD LUCK. BEEN THERE DONE THAT.

The hardest part about filing a malpractice suit within the medical field is that you usually need another doctor to testify that the first doctor's actions were negligent. So, I'd recommend not only meeting with a lawyer to discuss your options, but also taking your husband to see another doctor to get their opinion on record. Also, ask them straight up if they'd be willing to testify in your claim--a lot of doctors won't testify against each other even if one of them was clearly negligent.

Gather the necessary evidence such as consultation records and types of medicines given. File a malpractice case against the doctor in the nearest court where you live.

Meow the cat
Call lawyer.

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