medical marijuana for cerebral palsy?

Posted by 70sfamily | 7:56:00 PM

i have mild cerebral palsy so i have muscle spasms . it affects my everyday life and leaves me feeling depressed alot of the time. i am not of the legal age 18. but do you think it would help with the shaking and depression. and would they allow it even though i am under 18?
please give any information you have. thank you.
ive been looking all around and its been proven that it is a muscle relaxer, but i feel i need more info before i jump to a conclusion

smartarse aussie
Yeah that's great, go for it!!

Help P

Has it been proven to improve your condition?

Denise H
Marijuana is excellent medicine for pain of any kind. I don't think that you should be worried at all about using it.

marijuana will cure your problem, but you have to get a licence to use it in US.. it sucks because weed is completely harmless to you, the only reason why marijuana is illegal is because the US cant control the profit of the "cash-crop"

2 things, well 3,
1. I have cerebral palsy
2. You're going to have enough difficulties and already have had enough, you can contribute constructively to society, but starting out a pot head might make things worse than they already are job wise. Marajuana is a depressant, so it might make things worse there too.
3. If you end up getting a medical marajuana card, let me know how you did it :-) I think it's on a state by state basis...

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

This book is a practical resource for physiotherapists and occupational therapists who support people with cerebral palsy, helping them to solve the problems with movement and other impairments that so often accompany cerebral palsy, so that they can be more active and better able to participate in roles such as study, work, recreation and relationships.The first chapters provide the background to the clinical reasoning approach that informs the whole text, as well as an overview of therapeutic interventions. The subsequent chapters present clinical situations that therapists will encounter in the course of their work with individuals with cerebral palsy across the lifespan. Each chapter describes a case in detail, including the reasoning behind assessment and treatment choices, interventions and outcomes.The themes emphasized throughout the book are the use of the clinical reasoning approach of the intervention process model, the International Classification of Functioning, Disability

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