I was at a sporting good store with some friends, I was riding on a skateboard and it slipped and i fell really hard into a shelf. I then got up and apparently took a nose dive into another shelf and a worker had me sit down for a while and thought I had a concussion. My head doesn't hurt so bad but part of my butt will not stop hurting it is hard to walk. Did I need to fill out an injury report to get money for medical bills or am I f*cked???????

Yes, at the time of the incident you should have filled out an incident report. You should go back, speak to the manager and do so as soon as you can, though it would be helpful if you had a doctor's note citing an actual injury rather than going to him and saying "my butt hurts." However, because you were riding on a skateboard in the store, the store would have a pretty good case that you were at fault so I think it could go either way depending on how you present yourself and how much of a hardcase the manager is.

What did the store do wrong to cause your injury?

From your description....it was your activity of riding the skateboard in the store that caused you to hurt yourself. Sounds like you caused your own injury.

In order to prevail in a legal suit against the store...you will have to prove that the store was negligent and their negligence caused your injury.

However, you may want to go by the store tomorrow and talk to the manager about what happened. The manager should be able to contact the appropriate people to file a claim with the stores insurance company. The stores insurance company will do an investigation and determine if the store is responsible for your injury.

Either you tell bad jokes or you're unusually dense.

You don't automatically get money for medical bills - you have to file a claim.

Call them, see if they'll let you file a claim.

But most likely, since you caused your own injuries, they aren't going to pay anything, it wasn't their fault!! Just pretend it happened on a skateboard in your own driveway, and handle the medical bills the same way.

What do you think? Answer below!

Wounded Warriors bike, swim and run to test their strength at the Memorial Day Mini-Try on May 27, hosted by the Center for the Intrepid at Brooke Army Medical Center
medical injury

Image by U.S. Army IMCOM

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Video Rating: 4 / 5

Orignal From: Do I need to fill out an injury report to get money from a store for medical bills?