How is acute pancreatitis treated?

Posted by 70sfamily | 7:31:00 PM

I've been asking a lot about this condition lately, and I'm sorry if it is starting to get old, but at 9pm at night, you don't have a lot of other sources to go to!

How should acute pancreatitis be treated? The reason I ask is because I have been recently diagnosed with it, however not treated, and my GP thinks I have been clinically neglected on the hospitals part, and even gave me a statement I could use if I wish to follow up a complaint for Clinical Negligence.

GP says given my medical tests, results and symtoms, that I should have been in hospital, on an intraveinous drip given fluids (Due to the dehydration caused by not being able to keep anything down- or in), and surgical intervention or at least consultation should have taken place.

Instead I was sent home with no medication, doctor at the hospital di not beleive it was pancreas related as (In his exact words) "It can not be the pancreas, as you do not drink alcohol or do drugs".
He said he consulted with the surgeon on call, but when asked what the sugeon said he would not say anything. He did not give us the surgeons name, and when we requested to see him, he said he was too busy.

Anyway, all of that aside, GP (Who has worked many E.Rs) says treatment should have been initiated based on my results, but obviously it wasn't.
I'm still having the same symptoms, so obviously it's not just a bug that's taking it's sweet time to pass.

How should pancreatitis be treated normally?

Thanks, and please no rude comments.


You should have definitely been hospitalized put on an I.V.( with Saline and Anti-Biotics), and Scanned and tested with an Ultra Sound for "Stones" which is the second leading cause. Just this month I had an 11 day stay at the hospital for that same problem (only alcohol related) .

If you have acute Pancreatitis you should have definitely been hospitalized, because your dehydrated, your heart rate is crazy, as well as your blood pressure, and you will probably have constant fever... so keep the tylenol close.

I had an ultrasound then my stomach pumped and a Cath put in first thing. I couldnt eat or drink for the first few days and then finally got put on a clear diet (all liquid). With all of the blood drawn, I.V.s, and anti-quags, I took in so many needles it wasnt even funny...

if you have any more questions im at

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