They don't have a deadline, and can take their time. That said, 1000 pages is alot of paperwork to comb through. And much depends on the complexity of the medical negligence case you are trying to assert against the physician/hospital. The more complex the case, the longer it takes to review.

norton g
James - It's like this. If you first find a lawyer who thinks s/he can make money for himself in a successful malpractice suit against the doctor(s) and the hospital, the lawyer often chooses the doctor he has successfully worked with before. A medical malpractice physician expert (MME) sets his/her own fee which can vary from $ 200 to $ 1,000 per hour, sometimes with a minimum of $ 5,000. Your lawyer doesn't care what the doctor charges because his fee will come out of your award, not the lawyer's pockets. If you want the MME to give either court testimony or a written or televised deposition there is another fee which includes travel time to and from court or the hearing. Most of the 1,000 pages of medical record does not have to be studied. The rest would take about 5 to 10 hours which includes very careful study of the records, search for references, and writing an opinion. It's certainly not cheap but your lawyer wouldn't acccept your case unless s/he expected to make big money. Normally the lawyer, if successful, will walk away with more money than you will get after he pays for "his" expenses to pursue the case.

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