After my car accident i was scheduled to have surgery on C5 C6 C7 cervical spine. While in surgery the surgeon decided only to do C6 C7 because of a rupture. I am still having severe pain and issues resulting from C5 C6 pushing on my ulnar nerve. Considering that that the surgeon told me i would have immediate relief of pain from C5 C6 and he didnt do the surgery would it be considered negligence??
You need to see an attorney. Laws concerning negligence vary from state to state and are often difficult for an attorney to decipher. Please don't use the internet to make this very important decision for you.
Cowgirl Nurse
That is not the definition of medical negligience. In surgery, he made the decision to fix what looked the most damaged, most likely. It may only be the swelling inside causing the problem now.
Have you spoken to him since surgery? Does he have another operation planned? Does he know you still have the numbness and are you sure he didn't do that to? Sometimes severe injuries such as yours must be fixed progressivley, not all at once. Talk to him.
Don't be in such a hurry for a lawsuit. Give the doctor a chance first.
I do not believe this would constitute as Negligence. Medical Negligence means:
~~ Medical malpractice is professional negligence by act or omission by a health care provider in which care provided deviates from accepted standards of practice in the medical community and causes injury or death to the patient. Standards and regulations for medical malpractice vary by country and jurisdiction within countries. Medical professionals are required to maintain professional liability insurance to offset the risk and costs of lawsuits based on medical malpractice~~.
Your DR/ Surgeon did not do this. The Surgery was altered based on his opinion that due to the Rupture it could create or cause other Issues.
Another way of looking at this would be. What if he had gone forward and the rupture would have became worse or what if it severely damaged the Spinal Nerve and would have left you completely incapacitated? This to would not have brought the expected result.
As for the pain. Pain Management Dr's will more than likely be your only way to control the pain. Your Back will never be 100% but perhaps w/ proper medication and physical therapy you can control the symptoms and pain.
I hope you were awarded a Great Settlement from the Pain and Permanent Injury you sustained from the accident. Good Luck to you and Hope you can find some relief soon.
Spinal surgery is so uncertain anyway! I have bulging discs in my lower back and did some epidurals with no relief. I was suggested surgery but held off. Several years later I am doing better with just exercise and a good airbed. I also limit my activities that would agervate my problem. i can get a lot of pain and numbness in my legs. I've been told surgery will help some people, some not at all, some make it worse. I have a friend who injured his neck severely at work 15 years ago and five surgery's later he is still no better off! Doctors will tell you a lot of things but go to a spine specialist (like the Cleveland Clinic of Ohio) before you have more surgery done! Some of the non surgical treatment or rehabilitation might do you as good or better!
He did what was right at that time. Nothing can be done about it.
Orignal From: What is considered to be medical negligence?
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