My grandmother was in the hospital and in her chart it says she is allergic to motrin, toradol, and medicines similar.

The doctors gave her toradol yesterday, saying that they didn't get a chart to read (which isn't true in the past her medical history has always shown she was allergic) The doctor claimed they have no information about that despite the fact she always goes to this hospital.

Before this incident they gave her motrin by accident because they didn't read her chart correctly yet again and the time before that they almost gave her a blood transfusion because they made a mistake again.

She's also been to the icu because of screw ups.

It sounds like you do but you'll need copies of the documents. An attorney can subpoena them for you.

You cannot sue for malpractice. You may sue for damages as a result of malpractice. If your grandma's health is good today you have a significantly weaker case.

Of course, ask for all her medical records and contact an attorney.

Michael H
YOU can't sue unless you are her legal guardian.

Your Grandmother may have a case if her health was affected.

Sounds to me like you need to find a different hospital, through all my time in the medical field, prior to giving any medication, the first question I asked or looked for the answer for, was allergies.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Orignal From: Tips: Do I have grounds for a malpractice lawsuit?