Frankly, my personal feelings towards them are arrogant, pompous jerks who make way too much money than they deserve and because, regardless of what the constitution says about innocent until proven guilty which I wish we could change, they defend these low life scum or the earth individuals and help them get away with whatever crime they committed for all the wrong reasons! Do you agree or have similar feelings towards them or are you indifferent about the way defense attorneys/lawyers are?

We love them when we need em.

Oh, that pesky Constitution and all those silly rights...

Defense attorneys are a necessary part of our judicial system. Granted, some are shysters, and sometimes bad people get off on technicalities, but the majority are doing a fine job as advocates.

And as far as getting away for "all the wrong reasons," I have a relative in the public defenders office. He said that a good deal of the time, the defendants got off because of police misconduct or really bad decisions from a judge. If both would pay more attention to the law, there would be more justified convictions.

Everyone in the system has a job to do. Like it or not.

Joe Finkle
It sounds like you've been a victim, in which case your feelings are certainly understandable and warranted. The fact that such feelings are so understandable is why victims don't make these decisions, they are quite naturally apt to want to punish whoever is caught, without being able to adequately weigh their actual guilt or innocence.

The system we have is an adversarial one for a reason: it protects the innocent. Our founding fathers made a judgment, ratified by the States in the Constitution, that it is better to release the guilty than convict the innocent. I agree with that decision. Both are tragedies, but if we are going to have an imperfect system (and every system is imperfect), I want to be as sure as possible that I won't go to jail for something I didn't do and I would think you would want the same for yourself and your loved ones. In order to get that, some guilty people will also go free.

Defense attorneys are an important part of that system. Their job is to ensure that each client receives a zealous defense. Without that, the innocent would be in jeopardy of conviction for crimes they didn't commit (it happens anyway, and more often than you'd expect). The fact that they do their jobs allows us all to be safer from errors in the system.

Does that mean that they are all noble ideologues? Certainly not. While the vast majority make very little money (prosecutors are not well paid either, but usually better than public defenders who handle most cases, about on par with typical private defense attorneys who don't make a ton either), some certainly take in a pretty penny to pull whatever tricks are available for wealthy defendants. And while most defense lawyers follow their ethical obligations, there are certainly some who don't. They can lose their law licenses and be personally fined for that, by the way, if you're aware of attorney misconduct, report it to the State Bar Association in your State.

Michael H
Everybody hates them until they need one, then you try and find the most pompous, arrogant one you can find to protect your constitutional rights.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Orignal From: What are your personal feelings towards defense lawyers/attorneys?