Can we sue for medical malpractice?

Posted by 70sfamily | 11:08:00 AM

My mother gained 100 pounds in 3 months. She has no medical insurance so she goes to the local health department. They told her that she was just fat and to diet and exercise. Well finally tonight my dad took her to the emergency room and she is retaining fluids possible congestive heart failure & liver failure. The are currently running all these tests on her. Anyways the emergency room doctor said that its unbelievable what the health department told her & that they should have ran all these test. Do we have a case?

Nurse For 20 Years
Over a period of three months, these issues could have come up. The clinic doctor would not have necessarily discovered them that far back because they may not have been going on at that time.
Did your mother make any effort to exercise and lose some of the weight? She will have to now, in order to take some of the pressure off of her heart. Congestive heart failure can come on very fast and is very dangerous. Being overweight just makes it worse and much more dangerous.
There is nothing to sue anyone about. If you go see four different doctors, you will often get four different opinions, but that's not a crime and it isn't negligent either.

Baa Baa
I think it is somewhat negligent on their part to say that to her, but I don't believe you will win any lawsuit over it. You can always talk to an attorney that specializes in medical malpractice and see what they say.

Your mom should do a lot better once they get that fluid under control. I had liver failure and had the same thing happen to me but had no congestive heart failure. I lost about 60 lbs. in a week and had to get my stomach drained to help get rid of the fluid. Like your mom, I suddenly gained a huge amount of weight in a short period of time and it wasn't from eating. As a matter of fact, even though I was gaining weight in my abdomen, the rest of me (face, arms, legs,) was getting thinner from not eating at the same time.

There are a lot of medications and treatments that they can do to help your mom. I don't know where you live at, but if she is low income and her life is at risk for health problems, she will qualify for free health care. I'm sorry she is sick right now and hope they will get things under control very soon for her and get her on the right track to getting better.

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