Section 2531(4)b -- reads:
The new health bill will empower the Secretary of Health and Human Services to make grants to states that reform their medical malpractice systems. There are just two conditions: Those reforms must not "limit attorneys' fees or impose caps on damages."
So talk about no special interest groups getting in the way of the Democrats bill. It would lower our costs tremendously if medical malpractice was reduced in the bill, or at least capped for Doctors. Instead it's a sell out, where is the transparency that the White House talked about? No wonder they didn't want to post this bill online.
Charlie Bucket - You miss the point, TX already has laws limiting Mal Practice and it has reduced costs by 17% for Doctors and Insurance Co. which has been passed on to the consumer.
A majority of congress is made of lawyers. When they get kicked out of office what are they supposed to do retire?
Charlie Bucket
I don't think you understand, that's only for States who receive grant money from HHS, it does nothing to address the issue malpractice or damage limits for the great majority of situations.
Putting caps on damages and limiting attorney fees would at the most cut medical costs by 3%.
Of course they did. How do you think people like Senator John Edwards made his money???
The Republicans want tort & malpractice reform--- but the Democrats fear that it will put them out of business
You're right. But the whole thing is an abortion. There is not one, single, solitary aspect of this bill that will do more good than harm to the American public. Medical care will cost more in taxes than it does now and the quality and availability of care will be less. I know because I've lived Obamacare in Australia.
The whole thing is mass idiocy.
Orignal From: Did the Democrats sell us out to trial lawyers on the heatlh bill because of all the campaign money they get?
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