If you are the person disputing the medical bill, you will need to hire and attorney who specializes in these types of cases. A claims adjuster is employed by an insurance company and is responsible for making sure that a claim is handled according to the terms of the policy. May God bless and keep you.

patti p
The claims adjuster is the enemy, his job is to save the insurance co. money by trying to disprove your claim. The insurance co. also is equipped with thier own lawyer who is also not there to bring you justice. Get one of those accident/ injury attorneys that got to bat for you and you don't have to pay them unless/until you settle.Don,t talk to any employees or lawyers from the insurace co. You could hurt your chance to win your case. Direct all calls from them to your lawyer.

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Orignal From: When a medical bill is in dispute,who is hired to represent you?a lawyer or claims adjuster???