I was pregnant with twins, and though there were obvious signs of intrauterine growth restriction, my doctor did not address it or even mention it to me and one of my sons was stillborn. I have received my records and was told by more than one medical professional to pursue it. They said that he knew something was wrong but didn't do anything. Also, I went to the hospital for bleeding four days before I delivered and they monitored the heartbeats for the babies and sent me home saying everything was okay, but I found out later that they only ever found one heartbeat and my son was already deceased.They put my life and the life of my survivor at risk by simply not following through and doing their job. I want to know if I have a medical negligence case on the doctor and/or hospital.
I have all records and the medical professionals I consulted were from another hospital (unrelated) who looked over my records and decided. It wasn't "my side of the story", it was the proof from the doctors own office. It's not about money, but about exposing this doctor. I was seen by another doctor first, who ordered two ultrasounds, when everything was fine. Once I transferred to the "high risk specialist", he never ordered growth scans, extra testing to figure out why I was actually losing weight, and why my uterus stopped progressing at a normal rate, and finally stopped growing all together. He just dismissed everything and did nothing. Four days before I delivered, the hospital said "Both babies are fine" but after I learned (postpartum) the my son was gone for nearly two weeks inside me, I went and got the fetal monitoring strips from that last visit and saw that they only ever found one heartbeat.
RNs and a doctor from an out of town hospital, looked over the records from hospital and doctors office and formed the opinion that the pregnancy was not monitored properly. The medical negligence occured before death, and in absence of the negligence, my son had a high chance of survival. There is a reported mortality rate or .2-1% for infants with IUGR.
I have decided to donate any monetary reward. It is about not letting the doctor and hospital get away with anything less than their best effort.
The hospital only ever found one heartbeat, but assumed that the babies' hearts were beating in complete synchronicity and didn't follow procedure to find two seperate heartbeats. I have all documentation. They put my life at risk by sending me home without the knowledge that I would be going into spontaneous labor soon, and I would've been at home with no time to get help. Luckily my husband took me back in time and the second time the staff followed procedure.
what do u mean by medical professional some nurse who only got your side of the story? a receptionist? if you think you have a case go see an attorney. however i am not sure the $ that could be in this case.
I would seek the advice of a lawyer.
So, do you think the doctor was just some jackass, who doesn't care about babies, and laughing while it happened? of course not.
He's a human being, just like you and me. It's terrible what happened with your child - but don't you think your doctor tried his best?
What could they have done differently? Your child had already passed. It is so sad, I feel for you - but I don't think the doctor is to blame. How would suing him for money make anything better?
Who are you going to listen to, medical professionals or strangers on YA.
I'm trying to decide if the one baby could have been saved or how you were actually injured (as opposed to emotionally upset) since that is what you will have to prove.
H3LL YES !!! Sue them for every cent possable ! Thats outrageous!
Bring all of this evidence to a Lawyer with medical law experience. It sounds like a case of "gross negligence". If the doctor knew for a fact that there was a problem and ignored it... that is gross negligence.
How well have you documented events?
Are there reliable witnesses ready to testify?
You have a case, but make sure you have viable proof otherwise its your word against the multibillion dollar AMA institution. Be as meticulous as you can, and in the words of my criminal law professor "Hire the best lawyer that you can't afford."
Orignal From: Do I have a case for medical negligence resulting in the death of my child?
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