preeclampsia malpractice?

Posted by 70sfamily | 9:07:00 AM

8 month pregnant mother went to regular check up. up til now everything was going smooth. Told doctors she has had headaches for a week. they gave her a regular urine test(which showed high levels), to find out why they then asked her to do a 24 hour urine test. she dropped it off next morning at 9am friday. tuesday night we went to the emergancy room because she was still not feeling good. at the pregnancy ward the nurses came in with a dr. checked with the ultrasound, baby was not alive. meanwhile they checked the computer and found that they had her lab results from the urine test and that she had preeclampsia. the first thing we asked the dr was why didnt we receive a call asap after the urine test was dropped off. if we had found out on friday we could have gone to the hospital and had the baby delivered early. but because they did not call us and we had to go to the emergancy room ourselves it was too late. nothing can replace this loss in our lives, we have a lawyer and they are keeping us in the dark about everything because it is going to take years to recover any kind of settlement. does anyone have a figure on how much we are looking at for such a medical malpractice case. i am not trying to be greedy i just would like to know what would happen in this sort of matter because i see malpractice cases awarding up to 5 million dollars i think we deserve every penny from what we went through.

Unless you can show a clear pattern of incompetance, you're not going to get anything out of this. I'm sorry for your loss, but this is not a lottery win.

Women GET preeclampsia, and babies die as a result. It happens. We don't have all the details obviously, but just because the lab test was dropped off on Friday does not mean that anyone could or should have diagnosed preeclampsia in time to save the baby.

You should be dealing with your grief and trying to move on rather than trying to blame an unfortunate situation on somebody.

Preeclampsia can come on very suddenly, and it can progress very suddenly. You might very well not win, because you have to prove that the doctors actually knew something was wrong, and they had to know about it in time to actually do something about it. That is, even if you were notified the instant that they knew the problem, you might still have the same outcome.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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