What was the cause, What suffering did you encounter, How will this effect the rest of your life. Your question is too vague.

depends on the doctors or hospitals medical malpractice insurance liability cap... usually 5mil for a doctor/surgeon and 25mil for a hospital or medical institution

If you won the lawsuit, you'd be awarded damages. That means that whatever you lost would be paid for.

Lawsuits are not a 'get-rich' kinda thing. Lawsuits are a 'make it like it was' kinda thing.

If there was malpractice that kept you from being able to work, for instance, a jury might award you the amount that you might have reasonably earned if you had been working.

- Stuart

Original Community Organizer !
Zero if its Government controlled1

It would depend on the allegations of the complaint and your prayer. Generally, it should be a reasonable, fair and just amount. Hire a medical malpractice lawyer to help you with your compensation claims.

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Orignal From: How much would I get from a medical malpractice lawsuit?