I want to get custody of my neice?

Posted by 70sfamily | 8:59:00 AM

I have had my neice for 2 1/2 years. My sister has been in and out of her life this entire time. I do have a notorized guardianship paper for my neice. now all of a sudden My sister calls me up and says she wants to take her and move to michigan. what can i do? I have kept a journal of her negligence. and I have her medical records to prove how unfit she has been as a mother giving her mrsa and lice, and scabies. I have filed custody papers against my sister and my neices father! what are my odds?

Your odds are good if you have the money to fund a legal fight.

Your odds are pretty good. And the guardianship paper that you have is temporary and your sister can take it away at anytime and pick up her child. Custody papers probably means you have filed for court awarded guardianship, that will be better than the paper that you have. I think with all the information you have you have a good chance of getting your niece. Good luck! :)

Might be a pretty good fight, since the courts often try not to break up kids from parents, but you have various documentation and she hasn't been around for 2 1/2 years, so I think you might win.

very good keep up the good work and get in front of a judge i know a couple who had the notarized guardianship of their grand son and when when the mother tried calling and saying that she was coming to get the child five years later the went for custody and got it that was Louisiana

You are in for a battle, but it can be done and it is not that expensive. I just gained legal custody of my grandson and his mother was no where near as negligent as you just stated.
First, you will need a lawyer to file the custody papers. I don't know what state you are in and laws vary from state to state. Social Services may be able to help you. Check into it, but do not count on them unless you have involved them before. IF not, the first thing you need to do is file a report with them due to her abandonment of the children(that is what they will call it). That will be a big help in court.
Then get all the people you can to write a statement about the way the parents treated the child and the conditions the child was living in. Then you have then write one stating how well you have taken care of them.
Then have the doctors write you a statement.(They will be happy to help you)
I was advised to have my 4 1/2 yr old to see a counselor. HE told them he did not want to live with her and of course, the counselor asked a lot of questions...then wrote a letter to the court stating he should stay where he feels safe, secure and all his needs are being met.
If there is one thing the court looks at it is uprooting a child from familiar surroundings and moving them to an unfamiliar place. Most do not adjust well, especially with someone they have not lived with in a while. THIS REALLY HELPED US.
IF your niece is in school, have the teachers write a letter stating her attendance, grades, and how active you are in her school affairs.
There are many more things to do, but this is a start. PLEASE don't give up because of money, you can find an attorney who will help you, just look around. It is worth every cent we had to pay and then some to know he is safe and happy right where he is.
Good luck to you. Your family will be in my prayers.

I think your odds are pretty good, the only thing you can do now is wait and not let your sister take her.

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