This is a follow-up question. To my earlier question almost all Conservatives said that they would be willing to sign an agreement or a waiver limiting professional medical liability to 250K or even less. So how about adding this to the Healthcare Bill, giving Americans the choice to having binding agreements with their doctors that in the event of a malpractice suit the doctor's liability would be limited to the negotiated sum or to the total fee?

Cookie Monster
I like tort reform but I am against any kind of a government health care bill of any kind no matter how mundane it may seem. Obama has said that this is nothing more than a vehicle to a single payer system which is why the details are not that important at this point. They want to just get SOMETHING passed and then work out the details later that will no doubt be more than any of us bargained for,

If we have not learned our lesson by what is happening with he Patriot Act we never will.
You give the feds an inch, they will take a mile. And once they have taken even a little of your power and liberty away from you, it is gone forever.

Dirk D
Sounds like a good idea.

The VA and military has government run health care.
And that works very well.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Orignal From: Is Tort Reform By Choice a Compromise Solution?