Medical Malpractice Q&a
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Can anyone relay me the regulation for reopening a closed medical malpractice luggage within ohio?
How long do you have to reopen a medical malpractice case contained by OH, if new evidence is presented? Can you do it any time? Are there stipulations? Thank you terrifically much! why would it be a law? if the grip has been settled you can't...
Can Asperger Syndrome be a medical malpractice?
My son was diagnosed with AS contained by January. I have been reception emails from different asperger information online and one of the causes is lack of nouns at birth or at least according to one of these emails I have received. Please if you hold more information about this please let me know....
Can confidence healers be sued for medical malpractice?
They claim they can cure better than doctors. But what happens when they fail to come through on the buy and sell. Shouldn't they be liable for emotional damage done to the tolerant? Also, some of that stuff gets pretty rough, from what I've seen. What if they further injure the long-suffering? If...
Can FDA demand a medical expert to investigate a medical malpractice bag?
The FDA is a regulatory federal agency. It has it's on consultants and legal troop usually put in place to force compliance with FDA rules. Medical malpractice is a bag specific, doctor specific, medical, legal issue that bears no mandate from congress that the FDA bring involved. The FDA...
Can I press a medical malpractice or medical negligence suit?
I have Crohn's disease and was told by my specialist to avoid anti-inflamitories. My former doctor required to keep me on them for my knee strain. She also refused to give me anything for distress other than the anti-inflamitories and also wanted to stop me cold turkey bad my anti anxiety...
Can i profile a medical malpractice bag contained by delaware myself?
You can file a case surrounded by which you are the party without hiring an attorney. This is call proceeding "Pro se." The problem, however, is that civil litigation (particularly, medical malpractice) is difficult. You will be going against professional lawyers who will be skilled in court research, rules of...
Can I reopen a settlement case/sue again for medical malpractice because it did not help yourself to into rationalization...?
When I was born, I had a transesophageal fistula, contained by which I had surgery to repair it just after I be born. The nurse/doctor never turned me over onto my other side after the surgery was done and I lost circulation...
Can I still sue for medical malpractice?
I had surgery done back within 2004 and 1 week after, ended up in the hospital for septicemia. Doctors at the time could not amount out why but now in 2009 my symptoms are rear legs and my new doctor thinks it is cause by a surgical instrument left behind. Possibly a gauze. It...
Can I sue a doctor for medical malpractice nearly 4 years next?
while in labor I had no put a bet on support and so I really hurt an already hurt lower back. Can I still sue the doctor almost 4 years later? It depends on the statute of limitations surrounded by your state, but probably not. Most are limited to...
Can I sue a doctor for neglect/medical malpractice if he didn't properly follow my disease?
I was diagnosed with Lupus Nephritis surrounded by Sept 07 when I just turned 19. I was told to follow up near the rheumatologist that saw me in the hospital. I did a biopsy and i was found to enjoy stage 3 lupus nephritis so i...
Can I sue a hospital for medical malpractice? Serious answers solitary please?
Last Saturday I passed out in mid walk, and land on my knee. I was taken to the ER and I kept describing them my knee hurt. All they did was put an rime pack on it...No X-Ray, no cat scan on it, NOTHING but ICE! Well I was...
Can i sue my dated doctor for medical malpractice?
i went to my doctor and didnt know what was wrong near me all i knew be that i was in horrable dull pain my hip, and tail bone was swollen and pain be ahooting down my leg with pin neddle like response in my foot i often lost control of my...
Can i sue my daughters Dr for medical malpractice?
My daughters was tested positive for lymes about 1 year ago and treated for 14 days next to antibiotic, the dr's wouldnt retest her to see if clear and about 7 or 8 months ago she started to have black outs,i asked the Dr if it could be Lymes and they said...
Can I sue this woman for medical malpractice?
So I took my boy to see this alternative medicine practitioner. She asked for the cash up front, and said she'd require merely one night. As requested, I closed the door and I left them for a while. After she'd done, his commander was shaking, his fingers were clutching, and his body be...
Can own flesh and blood folder a medical malpractice lawsauit contained by behave of a single relative next to no kids?
My uncle passed away last week due to hospital error. He was a single man next to no children. Can my family file a medical malpractice suit on his behalf? Or can simply a spouse or son/daughter sue? This is...
Can relatives folder a medical malpractice lawsuit on behalf of a single relative beside no kids?
My uncle passed away last week due to hospital error. He was a single man near no children. Can my family file a medical malpractice suit on his behalf? Or can just a spouse or son/daughter sue? This is in FL. Don't know if each...
Can someone database a claim after 9 years for medical malpractice?
is it possible at to file a claim after 9 years for medical malpractice in ohio No. The Statue of Limitations is one year. Source(s): Probably not, but I don't know the exact statute of limitations to do so in Ohio any. Ah, here it is: A. Under Ohio...
Can u still proceed near a medical malpractice decree suit 5 years after the situation occured?
Every state has their own statute of limitations, but typically those kids of suits must be brought within 2 years of the episode. Check with an attorney licensed in your state to be sure.
Can we Sue for Medical Malpractice within Nevada?
My husband went to the hospital for some tests....a electrocardiagram on his heart because his heart be beating too fast and an ultra nouns on his abdomin for stomach discomfort. The heart doctor asked my husband if he had any heart problems in former times and my husband told him that he had...
Can you notify me if this is medical malpractice?
I had a c-section on September 26th. Recently I noticed something "plastic" sagging out of the incision area. It has turned black where on earth it is attached to the skin. I have also had a burning sensation contained by the incision area. I did not notice this earlier my post-partum check-up...
Can you sue for medical malpractice if a surgery to remove a thyroid finished up ruining your speaking voice?
My mother had surgery some time ago on her throat. This was to remove her thyroid gland any way afterwards she had to keep on till her voice healed before she could speak afterwards she other sounded winded, out of breath and...
Can you sue for medical malpractice?
if you get your tubes tied and less afterwards 1 1/2 years later you get pregnant?? My cousin own four kids and she just found out she was pregnant they cant afford more children.she have her tubes tied last February what went wrong Yes, you can sue them, No, it is not considered medical malpractice....
Can you sue for wrongful death/medical malpractice of an unborn child that wasin the mothers womb for 9months?
So heres the story, my sister in law be due for a scheduled C-Section this past Tuesday the 3rd of June. She wound up going to the hosp on Monday morning because she didnt discern the baby move since Sunday. She gets to...
Can you sue for wrongful death/medical malpractice of an unborn child that wasin the mothers womb for 9months?
So heres the story, my sister in law be due for a scheduled C-Section this past Tuesday the 3rd of June. She wound up going to the hosp on Monday morning because she didnt get the impression the baby move since Sunday. She...
Cause and effect of medical malpractice?
i wnt to ask what is the effect and cause of edical mqalpractices cause- anyone and everyone enters this paddock effect-loss of valuable life! Cause - negligence Effect - high cost for all, peoples lives are sometimes lost, people live a miserable go there after, familyies can be destroyed... Imagine what it is .Complete negligence...
Cbo say medical malpractice and protective prescription probably don't cost that much. do you agree?
CBO: When CBO applied the methods used in the study of Medicare patients hospitalized for two types of heart disease to a broader set of ailments, it found no evidence that restrictions on tort liability reduce medical spending. Moreover, using a different set of background, CBO...
Considering medical malpractice insurance prices rose at 1 1/2 times the rate of robustness service prices, why...?
...isn't Obama leading the charge for tort reform so doctors costs will lower plenty to charge less money?鈥?page 25 This is greatly needed. Usually, when society call for tort reform, they want to closing date awards to the victims of malpractice. But...
Could someone contained by medical pen donate assessment on sound out concerning medical malpractice?
How could a doctor be held liable if diagnostic test ordered was not taken because government grant did not want to risk possible side effects. Wouldn't the patents refusal be enough to absolve the doctor. Do not need to give the impression that I am trying to...
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