I have been served court papers to appear for a medical debt that is involved in a medical malpractice lawsuit. The paperwork behind the papers served state that the debt was "written off - uncollectable." These papers reflect that the original creditor (which is an ambulance service) issued the paperwork, not a collection agency. How can they try to garnish my check when they have written off the debt?
This was not issued by a collection agency. It was not sold to a collection agency, it was the original creditor.

Just because the debt was written off doesn't mean you don't owe the debt. It just means they gave up on trying to collect it and sold the debt to a collection agency. You still owe the debt.

Writing off a debt is a bookkeeping transaction to clear the debt from the books. It does not relieve you of liability.

Doctor Deth
they unwrote if off - decided they wanted to try and get the money from you - pay it

contact your bankruptcy lawyer about this.. you shouldnt be liable for the debt-unless u didnt include it in your write off.

If they go to court and get a judgement against you..Yes, they will garnish your wages! You'd better show up at the court hearing!

Don't contact BK lawyers. You can contact your lawyer if it is related to the suit. If the ambulance was not directly involved with the malpractice, then pay the debt. Get proof of the payment and send it in to the bureaus.

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