I posteda few minutes ago about my dog's incision and itching. Nowo I am wondering if you can sue for medical malpractice against a vet. I took my chihuahua to a vet 3 weeks ago and informed him about my dog having troubles urinating adn he told me it was because he licked himself and made his private irritated and infected but didnt give any meds for it just meds for mange. Told me that I would have to wait 3 months for mange treatment to be completed and then he would do shots and then worry about urinatign problem. Well exactly 2 weeks later he almost died on me because he had stones so big that they blocked the tip of his uretha tube and one embedded itself into bone at tip of male part. i had to have emergency surgery performed on dog by another vet because first vet told me he was too busy to look at my dog. I almost lost my dog because of it. My dog also basically had have a sex change surgery at same time because stones tore up uretha tube.
First of all he did have mange and vet said he wanted to treat for that. And he felt around for problems in lower area and said all he had was an infection. Stones were big enough were you could see the lump in private with just your naked eye. But vet said that was infection and would go away to put baby oil on his private. Second of all, my mom was in room with me when he looked at my dog. He never offered any kind of tests to find out problem. He wanted to wait for about 4-6 months before he treated the urinating problem. My dog was mistreated when I got him and that was how he got mange. But I don't understand how a vet can feel and look and miss stones in a male private part that are big enough to embedd themselves in the bone at tip of private part.Plus stones were big enough to destroy euretha tube so that the dog had to be made into female so he can urinate. I have a witness to vouche that he didnt offer any tests for the urination problem.
If he was too busy to look at the dog, how could he be sued for malpractice? I don't really understand. There's too many vets here, but I'm so sorry about your dog.
You should be able to sue if you want to, but it may just be easier, and cheaper to file a complaint with the licensing board. Let the state deal with all of the cost and paperwork, you have a sick puppy to look after.
ret w
Oh ya you can sue, you told him about the problem and he ignored it, so go for it, to at least make him pay the other vet bill.
I do not know if you have a case and I believe no one here will be able to tell you as well. However, if you think you may have a valid complaint, why not contact a Veterinary Malpractice Lawyer and discuss the matter with him/her? If you Google "Veterinary Malpractice Lawyer" a list will appear to choose from. Or one of the websites I've provided may help guide you in your decision and recommend a law firm.
Good luck. And I hope you doggie gets well soon. Poor baby.
get a copy of your dogs medical records from the first vet and take them to a lawyer, he should have addressed the urinary problem at the first visit to rule out kidney or urinary stone problems. Please don't use that vet again even if the vet is busy he should make time for emergency's
Crystal S
I know its sad but a miss diagnoses isnt malpractice. If you knew that he had given you a product for something other than the problem you should have seeked a second opinion. You cant take him to court over it and if you do you will lose because you cant prove he had any malicious intent. Sorry I have had this happen to me when my dog was sick and they didnt tell me how sick. However I went with my instincts and sought a second opinion. It isnt the vets fault. The only thing you can do is never go back there again. Also he can say he hasked you to do a urine analysis and you refused. You have no proof that he didnt so the case will be dropped. In my opinion vets want your money so he would have offered a urine analysis or blood work. Maybe you misunderstood him. Anyhow there is no malpractice in this case
Free Bird
I have to agree with Crystal. Vets are human and unfortunately, they make mistakes just like anyone else. Perhaps he was fresh out of veterinary school? The vet I worked for once told me that vets fresh out of school do not have the experience necessary to be good vets, because with experience comes knowledge. New grads usually work with experienced vets before they get their own practices. A mistaken diagnoses does not mean malpractice. It's just an indication that this particular vet is not up to par, so don't go to him anymore and do not recommend him to anyone. Just like MDs, some vets are also quacks and they usually have a well earned reputation. I certainly don't blame you for being angry.....I would be mad too. I know that you must have a huge vet bill to pay and not to mention your dog came close to death.
As far as the urinary symptoms, to be honest, a UTI or bladder stones would be the very first thing to come to mind and even me, a lowly vet tech, can palpate large stones in a bladder and a full bladder would even be more suspicious. A simple radiograph could have saved your dog a lot of pain!
I've assisted in this type of bladder surgery in male dogs many times. Their urethra is simply not large enough to pass stones, so the surgeon shortens the uretha, allowing the male dog to urinate more like a female dog, and not from the penile area. This surgery also helps prevent future problems because dogs who develop bladder stones are more likely to develop them in the future. I assume that the dog was castrated at the same time? Did the vet send the stones for analysis so to know the composition and make dietary changes to help prevent them from forming again?
Over the years, I've most commonly seen bladder stones in Dalmations, Cockers and Schnauzers. I don't recall a single chihuahua.
Good luck with your little man....I am glad you had the sense to take him to another vet.
You most certainly can sue for mal-practice.Call every attorney in phone book.You'll have to pay his retainer plus pay new vet for time spent testifying on your behalf which will be very expensive but in long run well worth it cos old vet will have to pay you restitution so all you're out will be returned plus.
I have heard of this sueing a vet and one family got $ 5000.
Go to petfinder.org
They have open forums and someone who knows about such things can give you an answer or an experience they know!
Good luck!
Orignal From: Tips: I am wondering if anyone has any idea if you can sue a vet for medical malpractice or neglect.?
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