He hasn't taken him to his doctor in 2 years,he won't get him an insulin pump even though his insurance will pay for it.His mom died 3 years ago.He is with me now.My mom raised him from birth to 9 yrs As soon as the court made him pay child support he lured him to their big home with their pool and trampoline and mom was getting too old.I had five children myself.She is an RN and doesn't care about his diabetes.He sleeps on a "flea market" mattress Her daughter by his dad has a water bed with a tv in her room and he has a small tv his mom gave him but no cable access.His insulin machine wasn't working properly when he came to me.He had no refills on his insulin Called the doc and he discharged him since he hadn't been there in 2 yrs.He was kind enough to call in all his meds for me.His step mom has slapped him in the face several years ago and told him she hated him.She came to his moms funeral and cried liked she lost her sister.Guilt

you need to! get a good lawyer and im sure you can, get him away from that enviroment!

If you can get the Dr to write a statement will help.If shes an RN you need to get someone to help in proving the medical.Not saying she is right but the court will ask you(what do you know about it)I think you have a good chance.Unless he is handicapped to point cant speak for himself he can live with by saying so to the judge.

This is what I'd do, report him to your local social services and do the right steps of getting the child out of there... cause your gonna have to have solid proof before anyone will take you serciously.. I wish you the best of luck in the world

Yes, go talk to your local D.A. and tell him
your story. All you need is a Court appearance and a Court Order and you become his legal guardian until he is 18.
Don't leave this child in this hellhole. If his
diabetes is that bad he won't last long if you
don't help.

wendy c
You need to prove the parent is unfit. Meaning, that he IS harming the child, and not just believes that the insulin pump is not a good decision. In fact, if a doctor treated someone against the parent's wishes/ consent, the doctor could be in trouble. Your comment about "no cable access" is completely ridiculous, since it does not prove harm, all it says is that you think he should have more privileges. Cable tv is hardly considered a necessity of life, that is not being provided. A one time slap in the face could be considered abuse.. or it can be considered a one time family dispute that got out of hand. Being an RN CAN mean that she has training to evaluate if certain treatments are beyond what is necessary.
By all means.. talk to a lawyer, but before you do, take time to ask if the parent is actually harming the child, or it is a case of you NOT LIKING what the parent chooses, and thinking you can give the child "more". Kids are not given custody to the parent (or relative) with more money. If that were true, every grandparent in the world with more money would say "I am better able to provide material things".
In all honesty.. except for any question about his safety.. you come across as more bitter than anything else. And I have serious issues with any third party who calls a doctor without the knowledge or consent of the parent. That violates the rights of the parent.

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Orignal From: Can I get custody of my 17 yr old diabetic grandson if I can prove medical neglect by his dad and step mom..?