Can I Sue for medical negligence?

Posted by 70sfamily | 7:51:00 PM

Can I Sue?
Hi I was 36 weeks pregnant and my waters broke at home so I went straight to the hospital and the nurses checked they said that my waters havent broken and that everything was fine and sent me home. I went for a check up when i was 6 days overdue I told the midwife that i was getting green discharge I thought it was my mucus plug, she had a look and said it was baby poo and that the baby was distressed. It turned out that my waters DID brake at 36 weeks. The next day they rushed me in for an emergency cesarean and the baby was taken straight into intensive care because he had sepis (an infection) and severe hypoglecemia (low blood sugar). i also had a womb infection because of this and also 3 months after the cesarean, a piece of my placenta came out that they left inside me which caused another womb infection!!
Arent they surposed to take out all of the placenta on the operating table? and can i sue them for medical negligence?

Michael C
Laws protecting doctors vary from state to state, and medical law suits are almost always lengthy and complicated. It sounds like you may have a case, but you REALLY need to see a lawyer who has exprience in medical malpractice where you live.

Great way to make money that you didn't work for. Sure you can sue, anyone can. This is the reason medical care is so expensive these days is because of people such as yourself trying to make millions. Nobody died so get over it. Bad things happen to good people everyday.

You'd really need to talk to a lawyer to give them more information than you can here. It sounds like you have a case, but I am curious about the checkup when you were already overdue. Both of my pregnancies (perfectly normal healthy pregnancies) I had to get checkups every week for the last month. I know many others also (different dr.'s) who also have weekly checkups at that time. Why did you not go until a month later?? As I said, there are a lot of questions that any attorney would have that you wouldn't be able to answer on here, too much time. But that was my first one. And why did they wait until the next day for an emergency c section if they already knew there was a problem? So, you could have a case, but too much info isn't available to us.

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