Alright, so I need real answers to this question considering its a matter of life and death. So please no jokers. And its rather long : /

I have a sick mother-in-law who is diagnosed with hypertension (high blood pressure), and among other illnesses. Three months ago she had a doctor change, and the old doctor use to give her medication for her hypertension that worked so well, she would be able to eat salt content without any serious repercussions, but with moderation of course. Now she has this new doctor and she is literally a nightmare and killing my mother-in-law and refuses to listen to her. This new "doctor" has given my mother-in-law medication that raises her bp well above 200/130 and refuses to listen to her patient that the medication does the opposite of what it should. The doctor refuses to listen and insists upon her continuing this new medication, even though its proven a complete failure, and another hospital that she went to when she got hospitalized due to severe hypertension forewarned my mother-in-law to discontinue this medication because it does not work for her blood pressure. The only thing this medication proves to be positive is for her kidneys, which are helping them work better. But there has to be other medications that can be helpful for her kidneys and her high blood pressure. She's been hospitalized twice for severe hypertension due to this medication. This doctor yells at my mother-in-law, and greatly angers her patient who is suffering hypertension. How she has a license, I do not know. In any case, I am finally going to her next doctor Appt and talking directly with this doctor to get things changed. My question now is if she proves to be stubborn and does not listen to me, what can i do? She works in a large hosptial, and is not in her own private practice. Who can i go talk to if she does listen to me or her patient and what can I do if she does not listen to me. Thank you, answers would be greatly appreciated, and you can potentially help save a life.
she said really mean and rude things to my mother-in-law during her last appointment. she yelled at her so much that my mother in law began to cry and it raised her BP so high. is there something i can do because this doctor is killing my mother in law.

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My kids' mom
I hear you and agree with your concerns.
The simple way out is to go with your mother in law to her next appointment with the doctor.
Sometimes older and sick patients hear only what they want, so an extra set of ears is a plus.
Ask questions to the doctor and write down the answers. Actually have the questions ready beforehead.
If you feel the doctor acts against the best interest of your MIL explain you will need to have another doctor take over the care.
If she refuses ask to speak to the head of the department. Even better ask the secretary to suggest another doctor in the office. I know it sounds strange but inside people who deal w the doctors all the time know the inside scoop and are flattered when you ask their help.
I really would like to know how a BP 200/130 is acceptable by her doctor. Sometimes it take more time for a medication to work but it seems its an ongoing issue and you need to face head on
Good luck

First of all, I would fired this Doctor! Why keep on going to her if she is such an A**! But,if the situation is that your MIL can not go see anyone else, I would talk to the Doctor in a nice way, if she starts been a jerk, get up and go see the hospital Director, or whomever is over her. Make sure to complain to the medical board of your State, the AMA, and the BBB, since she is part of the hospital and the hospital is a business.
The only way that you can sue this Doctor is if she causes your MIL any harm, like killing her or putting her in the hospital in a coma or something like that. In the meantime, just complain to anyone and everyone that will listen, and if possible, find another Doc for your MIL. She does need that type of treatment! No one does!

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