NY Considers Cap On Medical Malpractice

Posted by 70sfamily | 7:44:00 AM

Transcript by www.newsy.com BY TARA GRIMES You're watching multisource politics news analysis from Newsy It's a one-size fits all cap on medical malpractice expenses. In an attempt to cut down on Medicaid spending, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo wants to put a 0000 limit on medical malpractice suits in the state -- and both sides are making their voices heard. JOHN BOWER, PARENT OF SON WHO IS A VICTIM OF MALPRACTICE "We're going to sell out these little kids and these people that are victims of medical malpractice." JASON HELGERSON, STATE MEDICAID DIRECTOR: "Medical malpractice reform really is Medicaid reform. We as a program bear a significant cost because of the very very high cost of a providers to purchase insurance to cover them against the possibility of lawsuits." According to Cuomo, New York spends more than twice the national per capita average in Medicaid -- and the cap is aimed at cutting those costs. According to a writer for New York Daily News, New York ranks among the most "lawsuit-happy" places in the nation -- and says malpractice costs are eating up more health costs than any other state. He praises Cuomo's Medicaid Redesign Team for suggesting the cap. "The cures proposed by his Medicaid Redesign Team may not be ideal. But they put the malpractice issue where it belongs: at the front and center of the coming debate over how to rein in the state's soaring health spending." Critics say the tort reform would allow medical personnel to be negligent ...
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