Uprooting the medical system to pretend to lower medical costs seems a RADICAL way of solving what government caused in the first place, and more and more people are showing they get it by demonstrating.

The current government solution seems more aimed at controlling our health, than lowering costs. A much simpler , smaller gov't involved solution would be to remove the restrictions placed by government on competition. If you could shop around the country for better insurance - instead of being restricted within your state, the marketplace would help correct the rising costs - in addition to capping outlandish malpractice lottery awards, and keeping gov't out of our lives, more and more are turning against a gov't solution.

Don't Tread on Me!
Common sense solutions isn't what they want. They want complete take over.

Train of Consequences (Matthew♠)
I hope so. It is ridiculous that some would trust the corrupt people in DC.

It isn't about health care... it's about control. Once you control healthcare, you control all the habits that lead to "good health" as defined by the 0bamaland apparatchik...

Overweight?... "Oooh... sorry, you can't buy that cheeseburger".

High cholesterol? - "Can't sell you that nice Gouda you like this week"

Marginal blood sugar? - "Oh... too bad... can't have that bottle of Scotch. 0bamacare rules, y'know"

Want another martini?... "You'll have to blow in the tube to be sure you can handle it."

Big Brother would be PROUD!

PSST - It's already happening! Just imagine the abuses when they control it all!

you got it!

The Pen is Mightier
No, they are highly unisinformed. The health care bill is just a massive power grab.

I hope they see that the current Republican opposition isn't about health either...it's about being against anything Obama is for.

Name one thing that Obama has promoted that any Republican has supported. Sean Hannity even complained about Obama's choice of mustard (dijon) when he ordered a sandwich.

You say don't believe what the Dems are saying...I say the Reps have their own agenda and it's not about improving health care for Americans.

One of the best things I heard was treating health insurance like all other kinds of insurance...meant for emergencies and major unexpected problems...not routine maintenance....ei you would never expect your auto insurance to pay for an oil change or a flat tire or home owners insurance to pay for a fresh coat of paint...then why should health insurance cover things like physicals and common/mild illnesses

we should have a more pay as you need service where people know how much everything costs and will cost before hand (you need an xray $ 50, physical $ 30....I don't know how much they'd actually cost, because we aren't told these things) what other industry do you pay for something without knowing the actual cost of the service?

EDIT: I never said 'can't' know, I said 'don't' know. Do you know how much a doctor is charging when you go for a simple medical reason? Is $ 150 a reasonable fee to charge to take my temperature, my blood pressure, listen to my chest and tell me something I already know? I don't think so. (and yes this is what I was told once I'd have to pay even though I had confirmed before hand that they took my insurance and then after an hour wait told me it would cost me $ 150 to tell me I had bronchitis...)

It is quite possible that is why congress has put a gag order on their transparency policy. This congress and administration is up to something that we will not be totally aware of until they do it. I look for a bill that passes both house and senate to increase their terms of office to insure we no longer have any say. Don't come back with they cannot do that, it is against the Constitution. Not a plausible reason anymore.

Hi Glenn how's it going tonight?
I'm surprised by your question I had no idea the people liked our current insurance industry monopolies.
You forgot to mention pre conditions (acne, spousal abuse etc.)
You forgot that 20% of the time the insurance finds some reason to say they are NOT PAYING.


Your kidding right?

The "eliminating" barriers to competition really means voiding all state consumer protection laws and allowing inadequate insurance to rip off a larger pool of people. No, thank you.

The market place will never have the answer to this problem. We pay more here and get less because we have an under-regulated for profit system and that makes no sense. Why should anyone make money by denying care.

The real answer is a single payer- like medicare for everyone. This will be the most cost effective way to make sure everyone is covered and costs are kept down. Then we need to play hardball with big Pharma and other health industry and negotiate prices like every other country.

Kettu- since when can't you find out the cost of medical services? All you have to do is ask?

What do you think? Answer below!

Orignal From: Are the politically apathetic beginning to realize the current health bill isn't about health?