by infomatique
There are people with deceases like cystic fibrosis,fibromyalga and bipolar who would benefit well with the use of "marijuana", or hemp as it should be called because that's what it actually is, as a medicinal drug. Because it is illegal in most states for personal or medical purposes to possess, grow, sell or use hemp these people who suffer with sickness can relieve their pain with organic medicine but are forced to use industrialized medications made and distributed by big corporations.
Can these people sue the AMA (Amerikan Medical Association) or other organizations under the ADA (Amerikans With Disabilities Act) ?
Can someone sue an employer, police, or government agency for refusal to allow him/her to use medical "marijuana" as relief from their sickness?
If so what do you think of the verdict from a trial by jury?
Look at this article about the Marijuana Conspiracy written by Doug Yurchey before anyone condemns hemp.
Actually put some thought into the question and Elaborate more in your answers please.
ok so the ADA is for the workplace. what about everyday life? why should we be denied a drug that has many medical benefits but mind altering drugs like elivile, clonidine, oxycontin, codeine, ritalin, etcetera are prescribed? Why is alcohol legal for recreational purposes but not hemp for medicinal purposes???
the link to the article is
Michael N
Juries don't decide on whether government policies are legal or illegal, they just determine whether individuals are innocent or guilty of breaking those laws.
In order to win this argument, you would have to establish that marijuana has some medical benefit over other treatments.
Possession of marijuana is a crime. No, you can't sue anyone for the personal consequences of choosing to commit a crime.
And hemp and marijuana are two way different things. Just because they're shaped the same and both green doesn't mean they're interchangeable.
Doubtful the government will let people on mind altering drugs be in the workplace. If someone needs medical MJ, fine, let them sit home and figure out how they are going to pay for it.
Orignal From: Denial of "marijuana" for medical use lawsuit?
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