Tips: Obama's stance on...?

Posted by 70sfamily | 8:16:00 PM

Can anyone help me find information dealing with Barack Obama's stance on medical malpractice litigation reform?

I'm not looking for reasons why I should or should not vote for him, I just need the information for a paper and as you guys are saying, it is quite difficult to find specifics.
Thanks though!

Señor Answerrrrr
Good luck.

Obama's stance on anything at this point is to get into as many fights as he can with Hillery because nothing else is working anymore.

PwN4g3 P1e
Obama FTW

who cares

If you go to they have an election center where you can view policies of candidates.

Louis S
If you can find out Obama's stance on anything (besides race card playing) let me know. He doesn't talk much about specifics.

Wounded duckmate
Try HIS website

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