medical lawsuit
by dbking

I am being treated by an orthadontist he discovered an impacted canine tooth. He referred me to an oral surgeon to get an exposure and bracket procedure. After having it for 3 months the "bonding" and chain fell out when I was at home. So i had to get the procedure done again they cut open my gums a 2nd time I just got the stiches out a week ago and went back to my orthadonist to he can contine pulling the impacted tooth into my mouth he pulled lightly on it and this time the gold chain just fell out. This means i have to go back a third time. Its a painful procedure and they say it happens often because there working in a wet enviorment. My question is isnt that there job to get it to stay in my mouth regardless. Does any lawyer or oral surgeon think I have a case or has this happend to anyone else that filed a lawsuit.

No medical or dental procedure is guaranteed. This is an example of that basic truth. 3 tries is unusual but by no means unheard of, and it's doubtful that the surgeon was to blame.

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Orignal From: DO I have a medical malpractice lawsuit against an oral surgeon for preforming the same procedure 3 TIMES?